The Easiest Way To Heat Print Baby Clothes

Posted in: Education
By Beth Whittock
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The Easiest Way To Heat Print Baby Clothes

The Easiest Way To Heat Print Baby Clothes

Lets set the scene:

You've got yourself a full sized heat press and you've decided to branch out into small people clothes. You've laid your teenie tinie t-shirt onto the heat press platen and realised that there's no way to thread it, or isolate your print area. What do you do?


First of all, prioritising the isolation of your print area should be number 1.

There are a couple of obstructions to keep your eyes peeled for when printing baby clothes:

  • Poppers or studs - pressing these will damage your press and if they're made of plastic, they will melt.
  • Thick seams and collars - Leaving these on the platen will cause pressure issues

How do you get around these obstructions when printing a tiny garment on a large heat press?

Well, if you're a Hotronix heat press user, you're lucky enough to have access to the interchangeable platen system from Hotronix. You can choose from 15 different platens that slot in and out of every Hotronix heat press and allow you to heat press lots of unique and unusual print areas.

However, if you're printing newborn baby clothes, you'll only have one of two of this extensive range of heat press platens to pick from and even then, you may not be able to thread that tiny garment onto it. 

So, how do you tackle printing small spaces on baby clothes while avoiding obstructions?

Heat Press Pillows!

Stahls' UK sell 4 different sizes: 20x16cm, 25x25cm, 46x12cm and 51cmx41cm. 

It's the two smaller sizes that will come in handy for baby and toddler clothing (20x16cm and 46x12cm). Despite the 46cm pillow being meant for legs and sleeves, it is only 12cm in width making it the perfect size to slots into baby clothing.

2 months ago